Expert Opinions of Usborne Books

"Given the choice between an Usborne Book and another book, a child will always select the Usborne.” - Debbie Lerner, National Social Studies Teacher of the Year

“[Usborne Books]… most fascinating, child appealing books I have ever seen.”
- Mary Pride

"I love Usborne Books! I use Usborne Internet-Linked books all the time in the classroom. They save me time finding relative websites and the kids really respond to these books.

I use them at home with my own children, too, and give them as gifts. One of the best gifts you can give a child is a book, especially an Usborne book.”
- Cameron McKinley, 2006-2007 Alabama Teacher of the Year

"50 Percent of the years best information books for 11 – 16 year olds are from Usborne Publishing”
Times Educational Supplement Awards

"One of the best gifts you can give a child is a book, especially an Usborne book."

- Cameron McKinley, 2006-2007 Alabama Teacher of the Year

"50 Percent of the years best information books for 11 – 16 year olds are from Usborne Publishing” – Times Educational Supplement Awards