Starting is as Easy as 123

Start Your Usborne Books Business for 
$49 in October

Getting started with Usborne Books and More is very easy. There are three kits you can choose from to begin your Usborne journey.
  1. Monthly Special kit - (see picture above) a variety of different books, anywhere from five to 15, for a reduced price, usually between $35 and $85.
  2. Business Builder kit - a large selection, 33 books, from Usborne and Kane Miller, to give you everything you need to get a great start to your business.
  3. Supply Only kit - for those who already have a lot of Usborne books, this kit only contains catalogs, order forms and other supplies to start their business.
Starter kits are deeply discounted to help give you a solid start on your Usborne business. There is only one requirement: sell (or buy) $85 net in your first twelve weeks. That is all! After that you may never choose to place another order, or you may continue to sell to family and friends or you may decide to take it further like I did.


Ready to get started? Submit a Consultant Agreement online or email me and I will help you get started.