Educational Development Corporation began its Home Business Division in March, 1989. This Division, operating as Usborne Books & More, markets the entire Usborne line of over 1,300 titles through a combination of direct sales, home shows, book fairs, fund raisers, grants and school and library sales. A network system of more than 9,000 independent sales consultants currently represent Usborne books.
We spent considerable time analyzing the vision for this company and what its purpose is. Yes, we sell the very best children's books in the world, but we feel we have a higher purpose. We feel we are part of the overall education and literacy movement in the nation, and we feel our products can make a difference in the lives of children. Our Mission Statement clearly defines the vision of our company
Usborne Books and More Mission Statement:
"The future of our world depends on the education of our children. UBAM delivers educational excellence one book at a time. We provide economic opportunity while fostering strong family values. We touch the lives of children for a lifetime."
From the founder:
"Children are clever--they are our equals. We shouldn't talk down to them, but look across at them.
Books should be friendly, and as much like magnets as possible.
They should be reliable and accurate, stylish and artistic.
They should be accessible, and also surprising and provocative.
Books should help get you off your couch so you're not just sitting there watching t.v. and chewing gum.
They should promote wondering.
They should be better than good."
--Usborne Values, per Peter Usborne