Excellent BookFair!
We just completed a book fair with Usborne and made 25% more than I have made on a book fair since I've been here in town. We broke $4000 - including tax. This was only books and "Kid Kits" and all "Kid Kits" include a good book and activity.
Our rep, Amanda Padgett, set up the fair beautifully, came in each day to restock, provided the cash box with change, and cleaned up afterwards. Our teachers were allowed to participate in the selection of inventory.
The books on average are higher than Scholastic, but much more curriculum oriented. We ran an e-book fair as well - I linked it to my library home page. You can take a look at it if you like. We only got about 100 hits, and I'm sure a lot of those were teachers making e-wishlists, but I think it will catch on eventually. By taking 50% in books, I am adding over $1800 in new shelf-ready books.Based on the student and teacher response to USBORNE books and on Amanda Padgett's professional courtesy, I'm sure we will be purchasing a lot of USBORNE materials.
~ Martha Hill, Prosperity-Rikard Elementary School